Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Bachelor: Episode 6 Panama City

I love when the Bachelor takes us to places I haven't been yet because I get to see amazing destinations to add onto my bucket list. I think Panama will be a new addition. The architecture for the Trump building is fantastic. 
"No man is an island, entire of itself"~ John Donne
Ben hands out the first date card in Panama and it's for Kacie B.! Woohoo! The card talks about survival and what three things will you bring? I'm thinking stranded on a desert island, which is what it turns out to be. The helicopter drops Kacie and Ben off on a island and we get to see what 3 items they can't live without. Kacie B brings a toy monkey, a corkscrew (clever girl), and Charleston Chews. Ben pulls a total boy scout and brings a machete (because we all carry those around!), a fishing net, and matches. (Did anyone else see the bottle of wine that makes 4 items?) I loved the naturalness of this date, working together to get food, and making a fire.
Something to note, on a lot of recent Bachelor/Bachelorettes, they take the men or women that they end up choosing on a "desert island date". Ashley Hebert took JP on one, and Brad Womack took Emily on one. I think that  Ben taking Kacie B. on this date tells a lot about how feels about her at this point. (Oh and Courtney that tasted like fine wine coming out of my mouth!) I think Kacie B. really shone on this date, relaxed and easy.
We find out during dinner that Kacie B. had an eating disorder at one time. It must have been difficult to share not only with Ben but all of America too. I appreciate her sharing the positive outcome of her story and being a good role model for others struggling with similar situations. Ben gives Kacie B. the rose and I'm happy!
While Kacie B and Ben are on their date, a date card comes and it is a group date. It is Emily, Nicki, Lindzi, Casey S., Courtney, and Jaime. Which means that Blakely and Rachel are going on the two-on-one date and I think that I speak for the masses when I say Huh? Blakely is totally stoked to go on what is usually considered to be the worst date. I suppose a positive attitude is a good thing but I'm still confused.

"A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people."~ Mahatma Ghandi
It's group date time, and Ben rides up in a boat to meet the women. Jaime says she likes how Ben is a man's man, however, this is not a term that I would use to describe Ben. I would use outdoorsy. So all the women and Ben motor down the river to a native village. I love these dates because it isn't something that normal tourists get to do. This is A-list Bachelor style dating.
Courtney steals the show right from the beginning (again!) by getting mostly naked, this time in front of Ben, all the girls and the villagers. Even the little boys of the village are getting caught up in her web! Ben comes up in a loin cloth, which I have to say the Chief fills out much better! ;) Ben stick to your own style, it suits you much better. Little Ben is super appreciative of Courtney's decision to go full assed on her tribal wear ('cause she doesn't do anything half assed!). Predictable.
Now that everyone is in dressed up, they are treated to some awesome tattoos and Courtney takes this chance to "mark her territory". She might as well have walked up and peed on Ben. Even Scotch knows that ain't right! I agree with Emily that it is childish and because it's Courtney it's not in a good way. Courtney says that the other girls are making this "easy" on her, I think we can all agree that she was already easy, er, I mean had it easy.
At the after tribal party, Lindzi and Ben sit down and we get to see her be a more open with Ben, even though it's hard for her. (A Bachelor cliche, shock!) Then Courtney gets some time with Ben and Little Ben, who reminds Ben about Puerto Rico and how much he likes Courtney. Courtney encourages this with an open invitation to her room later, and also plays with Ben's mind about how hard is for her to remember those special times. She doesn't stop there though. Next we see Ben trying hard to listen to Jaime, who is frankly too little, way too late. But he might as well have been a cartoon wolf for all he was listening to Jamie. Because the minute Courtney shows up in the background frolicking in her bikini his eyes pop out and his jaw drops. Rude. If that wasn't enough, Ben then has a hilarious and also cute moment with Emily, who decides its time to move on about the whole Courtney situation. So she apologizes. Big. Big. Mistake. Being nice to it only causes it to attack! She was completely rude and awful when faced with a sincere apology.
Moving on, Lindzi gets the rose. The best part of this is that after Ben gives her the rose, he really grabs her and kisses her. It was a very romantic move and Ben gets major points for that. After the date we get treated to a "woe is Courtney" monologue because Ben makes a good decision and doesn't go to her room.

"Two roads diverged in the wood and I"~ Robert Frost
Now for the infamous two-on-one, a dreaded date in Bachelorville. Courtney gets a shot in before the girls leave, as usual. Here are few brief comments on this date:
1. The girls' dancing is not that great, Blakely was repeating the same supposedly sexy moves over and over, while Rachel was like a stick.
2. The salsa instructor kept skipping 4! Annoying.
3. Blakely's scrapbook was cute, but a little much for someone who hasn't had a one-on-one date. It has been nice to see a softer side of Blakely but I can't say I'm surprised she went home. (And what was with that random shot of a cat as she left?)

"Loving is not just looking at each other, it's looking in the same direction."~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Some thoughts on Casey S.'s situation; at first I was mad like everyone else, thinking that she had essentially cheated on Ben. However, I do think the Bachelor went a little overboard with the portrayal of this drama. Should Casey S. have gone home? Yes. Was she probably going home anyway? Yes. Enough said. Ben could have been a bit more gentle with someone who was already upset but oh well. I hope that Casey S. finds someone who wants the same things that she does.

"Some people are always grumbling that roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses."~ Alphonse Karr
The rose ceremony itself was pretty tame but first we had to live through Jamie's awkward one-on-one time with Ben. She had such good intentions but somewhere it went haywire. Poor girl! She was in the end just trying too hard to make a connection happen where there was none. She's a nice girl and I hope she finds the right guy someday.
Next week is Belize and it looks like the girls have decided they have had enough of Courtney. Gotta love the Bachelor at it's best!
'Til Next Time,

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